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grand finale (戲劇、運動會等的)高潮性結尾。

The grand finale of the party came when all the children who had performed held a lit candle in their hands , extending thanks to master , followed by their singing “ i will follow him “ that was dedicated to the guests and fellow initiates . everyone present was full of bliss . children were the happiest when master and the honored guests went onto the stage to distribute nicely packed mid - autumn gifts to every performer 晚會節目最后在叁加演出的孩子們手持燭光向師父致謝詞,并合唱i will follow him獻給在座貴賓及同修們的歌聲中落幕了,全場在座的人都法喜充滿,最高興的是小朋友們,因為師父和貴賓們親手給上臺的所有的孩子們一份精美的中秋禮物,連沒有演出的孩子們,師父也給禮物及加持物,讓小孩們有一個甜蜜而難忘的中秋節。

grand juror

That choking sensation of quiet , which behind the scenes immediately precedes the end of an act , had begun to pervade the empty greenroom . indeed , the place seemed to be drowsing off through very breathlessness amid that faint murmur which the stage gives forth when the whole troupe are raising the deafening uproar of some grand finale 這是一幕戲接近尾聲時的令人窒息的寂靜,這時全體演員在臺上用震耳欲聾的聲音進行最后的演唱,闃無一人的演員休息室在一片令人窒息的嗡嗡聲中沉睡了。

The grand finale of the party came when all the children who had performed held a lit candle in their hands , extending thanks to master , followed by their singing “ i will follow him “ that was dedicated to the guests and fellow initiates . everyone present was full of bliss . children were the happiest when master and the honored guests went onto the stage to distribute nicely packed mid - autumn gifts to every performer 晚會節目最后在叁加演出的孩子們手持燭光向師父致謝詞,并合唱i will follow him獻給在座貴賓及同修們的歌聲中落幕了,全場在座的人都法喜充滿,最高興的是小朋友們,因為師父和貴賓們親手給上臺的所有的孩子們一份精美的中秋禮物,連沒有演出的孩子們,師父也給禮物及加持物,讓小孩們有一個甜蜜而難忘的中秋節。

At a ceremony in honolulu on dec . 29 , postmaster general john e . potter gave a preview of the lunar new year commemorative stamps souvenir sheet , the grand finale of the lunar new year stamp series , to be available in 2005 12月29日,美國郵政總局局長約翰e波特在檀香山參加了農歷新年紀念郵票小型張的揭幕儀式,這枚小型張將于2005年正式發行,它為農歷新年系列紀念郵票寫下完美的結局。

His favourite actors , his adopted son , the centaur in greek mythology , oedipus from greek tragedy , his good friend yul brynner and even the painter picasso appear in the film , a sort of grand finale before his 70th birthday 他愛用的演員、現實中的義子、取材自希臘神話的馬頭人、悲劇人物依底帕斯,連好友尤伯連納、畫家畢加索都一一亮相,可說是他七十大壽前的總結篇。

It is known as one of the world ' s greatest places to the grand finale , rich vastness of the mist , shocked all who appreciate the visitors , but also in north america the most magnificent natural landscape 它號稱世界七大奇景之一,以宏偉的氣勢、豐沛浩瀚的水霧,震撼著所有前來觀賞的游人,更是北美最壯麗的自然景觀。

On may 25 , a summer slightly cool evening , msc of shandong university ' s the last grand finale talks of technical activities month was held in room 313 of comprehensive building 5月25日,炎夏里一個略帶涼意的傍晚,山東大學微軟學生俱樂部技術活動月最后一場壓軸講座在理綜樓313拉開帷幕。

They ' ve just done the grand finale - the four characters zooming down a hill on a giant skateboard . huge round of applause . crowd still going absolutely bonkers 游戲演示最終收場? ?四個角色都縮到了一個巨大滑板上的一座山上。一陣瘋狂的鼓掌。群眾都瘋狂了。

They played important roles in the grand finale of the opening ceremony 他們在開幕式的壓軸戲中擔當主要角色。

For a grand finale , download and install mc4j jmx console see 作為最后一步,下載并安裝mc4j jmx控制臺(請參閱

Wouldn ' t want you to miss the grand finale 不想讓你錯過大結局

' cause , you know , i don ' t wanna miss your grand finale 因為,你知道,我不想錯過你的最后賽事